March 13, 2010

Heart Full of Praise...

Pray for a heart full of attitude of gratitude.
Think about what makes us miserable. Self image? Not enough money? Don't have what others have? Worry? Fear? Illness? Bad marriage?

The list could go on and on. But I believe, and have heard from many others, that your current situation isn't what can debilitate you...its your attitude toward it.

I've heard of people, and even met one, who've even overcome CANCER w/ a possitive outlook! Jesus said, If you can only believe, ALL things are possible with God. (emphasis mine)

So lets think for a minute. Just as light cancels and drives out darkness, wouldn't praise, thankfulness and gratitude drive of things like greed, anger, self-pitty, jealousy, and any form of discontentment? Sure seems right to me.

You see, if we're busy thanking and praising God for His goodness, His greatness, His power to save, His all-sufficiency...then we're acknowledging His ability to take care of us and handle ALL our concerns.

If we're honest we'll admit that most are way to big for us to carry. No matter how hard we try. We weren't built for that kind of load. Thats why the Scripture says, Casting your cares on Him, for He cares FOR you. Believe it or not, thats worth celebrating over. Since He's doing the caring, YOU DON'T HAVE TO! :-D

Here's kinda what I prayed this morning. Maybe you might try something similar:
Dear Lord God, please wash my heart and take away all the ugly stuff. Please ignite in me a heart full of praise and gratitude. For how can anger, anxiety, worry, or fear possible live in a heart filled praise thankfulness and grattitude!? Thank you so much! Amen!

Rebecca Thames
Overcome Bias In Popular Media
Be Heard!

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